Thursday, 30 April 2015

Final Project

A3 size

Material :

Barbecue Stick (30 cm)

Small Stick

Handicraft Wood


Scissors, Cutter

Sewing thread

Pine Wood Stick

Facility :

Slide, Suspension bridge of playground

(Use pine wood stick and cut in halves to make roof of slide, 
and body of slide and suspension bridge is made by
barbecue stick, handicraft wood and sewing thread.)

Climbing Bar

( Use small stick and handicraft wood to make climbing bar.)


( Use small stick to make a U shape for seesaw handle,
and pine wood stick.)


( Make by pine wood stick and small stick.) 

Final !!!

Color Artwork

Psychology Color
Age of colours

- Fill colour of theme park is follow Tertiary Colors

7 Colours
- Use one colour to fill the portrait

 Colour Tint

Step 1: Draw a rectangle and divide it into 8 parts

Step 2: Colour of first part is use original colour to fill

Step 3: After that, in second part can mixed some black

Step 4: In last part,  allow colour became very lightness

Colour Tone

Step 1: Draw a rectangle and divide it into 8 parts

Step 2: Colour of first part is use original colour to fill

Step 3: After that, in second part can mixed some black

Step 4: In last part,  colour  will became very darker

Colour Harmony

Step 1: Draw three circle, and divide it into 12 parts

Step 2: Fill colors reference colour wheel

Step 3: First Colour Tetrad (rectangle) is colour scheme uses
four colours arranged into two complementary paris.

Step 4 : Colour Tetrad (square) is similar to the rectangle.

Step 5: Cool Colours is colours that have a cool quality, its
include blues, violets and greens.

Triadic Colors

Step 1: draw six small circle

Step 2: Colors that form an equilateral triangle
within the color wheel.


Split Complementary Colors

Step 1: Draw nine rectangles, and divided into a
group of three rectangles.

Step 2: Split-Complementary is one hue and two equally
spaced from its complement.


Complementary Colors

Step 1: Draw six rectangles, and divided into a
group of two rectangles.

Step 2: Those colors across from each other on a color wheel. 


Colour Wheel

Step 1: Make a triangle, hexagon and a big circle 
and divide it into 12 parts

Step 2: Fill the primary color, it's 
yellow, blue (use prussian blue) and red.

Step 3: After fill the secondary colors, it's combining
any two adjacent primary colors

Step 4: Tertiary Colors are middle colors between the
primary and secondary colors in color wheel.

Step 4: Last,  label the name of color


3 Different emotions of clown
Group Work
Member : Woon Kay Ven, Mak Mun Choon, Beelly Vun, Ho Jun Hao,
Celine Chan, Ching Cui Ng

Sad Clown, Joy Clown, Happy Clown